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Reuse of more plastics


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The challenge

We are far from being able to reuse all plastics. This is needed for a sustainable, circular future. At Greenwise Campus, we are conducting research into how we can make the reuse of plastics less complicated and more accessible.

Onderzoek lab

This is what we do

Our research groups develop new methods to be able to recycle more types of plastics. We also aim to implement the current methods more easily and on a broader level. This will enable us to reuse more plastic material and limit the use of new raw materials.

Vincent Voet

Where we stand now

We develop a technology for the selective break down of polyurethanes (found in shoes, tubes, etc.) from plastic mixtures. This enables us to better recycle this specific plastic and the rest of the mixture.

Polyurethaan plastic

We are also looking for alternatives for materials that are comprised of several layers of plastic. Multi-layer materials are far more difficult to recycle than materials made of one kind of plastic. This is because we must separate the different layers for reuse, an extra processing step.

Duurzame containers

That is why we are trying to find polymers with the same qualities as the multi-layer material. We can then apply these single-layer materials in existing products and simplify recycling. We are currently looking for ready-made meal packagings and medical products.

Duurzame containers rechts

What’s next?

Like to participate in one of our projects and start working on sustainability? Contact us.

Duurzame wereld

This is the team

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Innovation stairs

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Greenwise Campus is an initiative of NHL Stenden, Drenthe College, University of Groningen, Province of Drenthe and Municipality of Emmen. And is one of the iconic projects of the University of the North.

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