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Circular Plastics

The challenge

Plastics are useful materials, but usually not very sustainable. They are made of fossil fuels. These are running out. That is why Greenwise Campus is working hard on circular plastics. We are looking for ways to reuse plastics or use plastics longer. And we are looking into bio-based resources to make plastic with, for example, beets, malic acid and hemp. This is how we are contributing to a sustainable future.

Want to know more about circular plastics?

Circular Plastics Tour

We are happy to give you a guided tour in the world of circular plastics. We'd like to show you examples of the latest innovations. Please swipe further to see the Vepa video.  


Plastic is made of fossil resources. These are running out. Plastic also creates much waste. The production of plastic generates high CO2 emissions. That is why plastic is not very sustainable. We see this as a challenge. At Greenwise Campus, we are working hard on circular plastics, because these contribute to a sustainable future.


Greenwise Campus collaborates with Chemport Europe to give shape to the Circular Plastics pillar for all of Northern Netherlands.

Circular Plastics

Greenwise Campus is an initiative of NHL Stenden, Drenthe College, University of Groningen, Province of Drenthe and Municipality of Emmen. And is one of the iconic projects of the University of the North.

Logo University of GroningenLogo Provincie DrentheLogo Drenthe CollegeLogo Greenwise CampusLogo Regio Deal Zuid- en Oost-DrentheLogo Gemeente EmmenLogo NHL Stenden University of Applied SciencesLogo Universiteit van het NoordenLogo Ministerie van Economische zaken en KlimaatLogo Samenwerkingsverband Noord NederlandLogo Europese Unie